Thursday, February 19, 2015

Life is short

It seems appropriate as we are about to come up on the 2 year and 1 year anniversaries of losing my Uncle Mike and my Granny to write something about them. I heard a song today by Eric Paslay,"She don't love you" it reminded me of a song that my Uncle Mike would have covered on stage. He loved being on stage. He was a true performer. A booming voice and a sharp dressed man. He was so gifted but I think regretted never making it "big". I know the day he passed that Heaven got the another angel in their choir. My granny has been gone almost a year. Its still hard to believe that I haven't hugged or spoken to her in that long. I say it over and over but it is so the truth. She was my true love. We had a bond that was unshakeable and true. She could always tell me what I didn't want to hear. I knew she was always thinking and praying for me and loving me through any situation. My birthday was hard. It was the first time not getting a card from her. She always made sure she sent cards on holidays. Just so you knew she was thinking about you. Its made me realize little things like that are important. My family is such a small tight nit group that the 2 of them missing leaves giant sized holes. We manage to mutter through holidays and gatherings but there is always an emptiness. The kids help with that and make us smile through it all but its still always there. I can only be grateful that one day I will be where they are and will see them again. Love your family, keep them close, hug them, pray for them, and send them cards. That being said don't let anyone mistreat you even if they are family. Sometimes you have to cut ties and be done with the negative. Its a hard decision to make but you can't continually make excuses or feel bad. Life is too short.
I'll leave you with Eric Paslays song...

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

12 years together

Steve and I have always wanted to renew our vows from the day we got married. There was just so much drama and ridiculousness the day of our wedding. So it just so happened that this year worked out to be a perfect year for it. I began planning a few months ahead of time because I love parties and perfecting every little detail. I had always said that my biggest regret was not hiring a photographer for our original day. We have some pictures of our wedding but not many. So first thing on my list was hire a professional. Check. Then I had to decide on a theme. Since it was November and I love decorating for fall I ended up going with a fallish theme. I didn't want anything too formal but knew I wanted to wear something pretty and white. I dressed the girls in matching denim dresses and Steve in a great navy blue with small dots shirt, jeans, and boots. My dress ended up being white almost lacy with daisy overlay. Which was perfect considering my wedding dress had tiny daisies all over it. We cooked a brisket, I made pasta salad, and we ordered a cake from Texas Star, of course. We decided to write our own vows and read them to one another after my brother stood up and said a few words. We each got a new ring which was made special by the fact that our Emma delivered them to us. It was so low key and drama free. We had such a wonderful day and shared it only with the nearest and dearest.

Friday, August 23, 2013

On our way out of August

Well here we are 4 days away from the start of Abbas 1st grade year. We met her teacher last night. It went well. She seemed like a nice lady. Plus we noticed Ab had some kids in her class from kindergarten so she was really happy about that. Its funny at this time last year I was a little panicked but excited. Now I feel like an old pro. We walked in said hi to everyone b/c we knew everyone and went right to the 1st grade hall, walked in like a boss lol and got Abba all settled in. I am pretty sure by 4th grade we'll be so familiar we could roam the halls asleep. We are taking a last minute excursion to Great Wolf Lodge with or bffs this weekend. If you are not lucky enough to have one close to you, its a kid friendly, lodge themed hotel with a built in water-park on the inside and some on the outside. They do fun things like story time, and adventure games. There will be 8 of us in one room, so that should be an experience in of itself  :) I am also in the beginning stages of trying to form a mommy/kid group through our church. Just a place that moms can discuss parenting, marriage, God, and the kiddos we have at home can get together and play. I'm feeling in a much better place right now. Pretty content in what God has blessed me with and grateful for the time I've had to enjoy it all. Trying to look on the brighter side and lean on Him when it's dark. I am imperfect in nature but loved anyway. 

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Long time no talk...

Ermagherd, I haven't posted since February of 2012??? All I can say is, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” Lets see whats up with us; Abba is going into first grade. That's right she kicked kindergartens butt! She did so well. She made A-honor roll. And was rewarded twice for exemplary behavior. I am a proud mom. I mean she acts like a crack head at home but if she's good in public I must be doing something correct?!? Miss Boops is 19mths, almost. WHAT???? She didn't start walking until about 15mths and she has not stopped yet. She has my build so we got these short little sexy legs on lock-down. Scuba works his butt off on a day to day basis to support us all. He is slowly turning into a grumpy "older" man lol. He enjoys long walks on the beach and candlelit....whoa! wait! wrong profile. ;) I've been on the hunt for a part time job as of late. Just to help out a bit and possibly regain some sanity after being a sahm for 7yrs. I'm not sure the sanity part can be helped. I hear its in the "genes" so I try to wear a lot of capris ;) I honestly can't complain too loudly. We are trucking our way to 12yrs of marriage. I feel pretty blessed to have the grumpster by my side. I think we love and appreciate each other more and more every year. We don't try and change each other too much but will point out when one of the other is being an a hole. We still laugh our butts off together and have fun. As I type this I'm fending off attacks from the Boops trying to steal my hair clip, so I'll go for now. Keep it real yo' and Happy 4th.

Monday, February 6, 2012


I feel so lucky to be 7 weeks in with a new baby. Ella is amazing. This time around has been so much more relaxed and enjoyable b/c you don't have the anxiety like you do with your first. Also the 2nd c section was no where near as painful as the 1st. I was amazed at how much better I felt. El still isn't sleeping through the night but she's so darn cute it's hard to get upset about spending time with her even if it is 3am. Emma has done so well adjusting to being a big sister. She really is a lot of help and loves her little sister so much. We are all doing well and are happy where life is in this moment.
Emma and Ella Jan 2012

Monday, December 19, 2011

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A new home and a new baby

Well I haven't been on here in a while. It's been a pretty eventful summer. We bought our first home, and found out we're expecting baby number 2. We love the new house! Steve and I still find ourselves pulling into the driveway and saying "This is our home." Such a wonderful feeling to know that all your hard work and money is actually going towards something worth while. Emma started preschool again a few weeks ago. She loves the 4s class and her new teachers. I love that it's close and a small class so lots of hand on learning. Baby number 2 "Ella Rose" should be making her debut in January. The next few months should prove to be seriously busy for us. We have been wonderfully blessed this year and are looking forward to some fall weather and fun.