Monday, September 6, 2010

Disney movies....

I had a friend post on FB that her son was watching the Fox and the Hound and how sad it is. So this made me think of something that I have said a million times WTH is up with Disney movies??? They are usually extremely sad or have a really scary villain in the them. So now I am wondering if Walt  maybe created the night light? And possibly had some stock in therapy?? In that case the man was a genius, scare the snot out of your kids then they will need both lolol I mean think about all the Disney movies you know, Bambis' mom gets killed and by a gun no less, Simbas' dad gets killed b/c he doesn't listen to the rules and has an evil uncle, Dumbo gets separated from his mother, Ursula is SCARY even to me, Cruela Deville is a mean monster who makes her coat out of puppies??? This is only a very few examples. So I end my rant with serious Disney, what's up with this????

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